Uhoh, what did i do? Hottest Dad Contest?

May 31st, 2013 by alex

What is a bored housewife to do all day? Well, enter her hot husband into “Hot Dads” contests, of course!

About a month ago, I was lurking on Twitter… I follow a woman here in SF who owns Red Tricycle, a great blog for parents. She retweeted the iVillage’s Hot Dads Contest so I checked out the link and checked out the Dads and thought, “Hey, Brendan is super hot”, LOL. So, I entered this pic into the Hottest Newbie Dad Category. It is one of my favorite pics of Brendan right after Page was born. I didn’t think much of the contest until today when I received an email from someone at NBC that said the photo of Brendan won his category and would we be available to fly to NYC to be on the Today Show??? Oh no, what did I do? I should probably tell Brendan I did this, he is going to be soooooo embarrassed.

Screen Shot 2013-05-31 at 10.50.38 AM

We find out Wednesday if Brendan is one of 4 finalists, as of now he is one of nine semi-finalists. Next stop would be a trip to NYC to be on the Today Show where they announce the winner. If he wins, we would get a week trip to the Scrub Island Resort in the British Virgin Islands! Ok, that would be awesome. Worth a little embarrassment on his end, right? If nothing else we get a free trip to NYC and lots to laugh about… Oh my goodness, what did I do…

2 Responses to “Uhoh, what did i do? Hottest Dad Contest?”

  1. Craig says:

    Congratulations. Alex, I eagerly await this Hottest Newbie Dad’s response.

    Following much research, I discovered that we get the NBC Today Show at either 3:00am or 4:00am.

    Keep us informed.

  2. Anita says:

    Go Alex!
    Good luck- you must send a link of the broadcast!!

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