Back to work!

July 22nd, 2013 by alex

The girls and I made it back to Wisconsin yesterday. They were both exceptional traveling partners. Sienna slept most of the plane ride and Page watched Stuart Little on the iPad. We got to Grandpa’s and settled in. I have a new found respect for single parents today, its no joke. We all woke up early to get ready for the day. The girls went to daycare, the teachers graciously called me every 2 hours to let me know Page has a new BFF, Ashley, and that Sienna was smiling when she wasn’t sleeping or eating. I am so proud of my girls, what troopers.

I am excited about the movie! Today is the start of production, I will be the Production Coordinator on the film and shooting will last 5 weeks in and around Milwaukee and Chicago. That means managing everything from daily cast and crew schedules to equipment rentals. There was a great article in Variety today about the film. Its going to be a fun adventure!


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