March 9th, 2015 by brendan

The girls spent the week in Truckee, staying at the Naylor’s cabin (Thanks Naylors!).

I flew up to meet them on Friday night so that I could go skiing with Page for the first time.


After a week of lessons, she can ski confidently by herself.


We mostly skied the Jerome Hill and Christmas Tree lifts until we went to meet Alex and Sienna and showed off to them with laps of the Nob Hill terrain park.


I am hoping that we get some more snow this season so we can get up there again, or else I’ll have to throw this ‘career’ thing away and head down to Bariloche, Argentina for the whole southern winter.


5 Responses to “”

  1. Craig says:

    Wow – I can’t stop smiling. Great skiing. Waiting now for the Sienna, Alex and Brendan ski proficiency videos.

  2. G. Anne says:

    Well, Page, you did not get your skiing ability from me. That was very awesome.

  3. G.G. says:

    At only 4 years taking the jumps!
    Watch out world. Page is coming.

  4. Edwin says:


  5. Ayla Mary RELF says:

    Crickey! That’s so good Page. You are a whiz!

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