We are at the hospital

August 22nd, 2010 by brendan

I’ll try to keep this post updated. All well so far. Little girl is doing just fine so far. Nurse is checking her heartbeat.

Alex is looking fantastic in her hospital gown with colourful moon and stars splattered over it.

It’s a beautiful day here in Stanford. Not a cloud in the sky.

Her water has broken. The plan is to be induced at 11:30am if we need to. Contractions are at 7 minutes apart right now. Alex is not in any pain. The monitor shows when the contractions are rather than Alex screaming. She is so tough.

Contractions are at two minutes. This means that Alex gets a minute of relief.

Alex’s Mom, Carson, and Cole were in earlier and brought some flowers and smuggled in some chocolate. We’ll see them again later this afternoon.

Baby’s heart rate is steady at 140. All going well.

Just had an epidural. Alex is in love with her anesthesiologist, who is from Dutch and has a very big moustache.

Not much happening right now. There was a major crisis earlier with a lost dog, but she was found safe and sound in the middle of Middlefield Road and will have a night with some new friends in the local dog pound.

Contractions are coming regularly. At this pace we are looking for an early morning birth, probably in five hours from now.

Alex is now in the stirrups. She will start pushing soon.

No cervix.

Pushing is trickier than it sounds.

I am getting good at counting to ten.

Sam has now taken over the counting. She is really good too!

3 Responses to “We are at the hospital”

  1. Hi you guys, we’re thinking of you here in Silverton!!! Can’t wait to hear the great news!!
    AB & Fam.

  2. ps – I had a totally hot anesthesiologist too, he wasn’t Dutch, but definitely hot…course judgement might be off at that time ;o)

  3. Anne Giibson says:

    We are monitoring the updates. Not sure if the lost dog is ‘your’ dog. Hope all goes well.

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