Dad rode a bike and Page rode a pony

October 12th, 2010 by alex

Brendan woke up early to meet Bobby and Meegan so the boys could ride Levi’s GranFondo. It was a grueling 106 mile road race. Brendan came in at 5 hours and 42 minutes, faster than Levi! Apparently it was all worth it due to the enormous amount of Paella that was given out after they finished the race.

Page and I drove up to Santa Rosa after sleeping in a bit. We met Meegan and spent the day listening to music and lounging in the shade. Page also got to ride her first pony, after all, Dad did say he promised her a pony if she got in the bathtub. So she got a head start, not sure she knew what was going on… She was such a good girl this day, I think she was a bit exhausted from all the excitement as she slept almost the whole day away on Sunday.

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