Page has found her voice

October 20th, 2010 by alex

At some point I will use all the video equipment (and videographers) I have access to on a daily basis to shoot some higher quality video of Page. Its just that sometimes its just me and her and my old iPhone and I can’t resist shooting her in the raw.

3 Responses to “Page has found her voice”

  1. Oh Alex, she’s AMAZING!! Missing you guys here in drippy Colorado!! xoxo

  2. alex says:

    When can we see updated pics on the Schenk Family website? I’ve gone off Facebook so I need my Tia and Sadie fill some other way! Thanks about Page, we had our first chest cold together and she was a bit fussy, but this morning she was back to her happy self. I can’t wait for her to see her ‘home’ in Colorado this winter and the snow!!

  3. Craig says:

    That was so good to see. Page was looking straight at ME!

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